Sunday, June 12, 2016

How to make a profit in small organic farm

Being a physician can be stressful. I find relief and respite in the farm, living with the nature, appreciating the rural unadulterated beauty.

Useful and motivational websites:

  • Homestead for-profit business vs. self-sufficiency non-profit
  • No-till cover crops
  • Making $40,000 profit per acre per planting vs. per year;

  • Be frugal and a minimalist in the beginning--don't go into debt as much as possible
  • $10,000 budget?
  • Start small
  • If every adult spends $15/day on healthy meals = $5,475/yr; To feed 10 ppl = $54,750/yr; 100 ppl = $547,500; 200ppl or 100 families = $1,095,000
  • Poultry in 1 acre land? for eggs and meat? organic feed? cost effective/ profitability? 6 months to lay eggs, 6 weeks to meat; CAS--Controlled atmosphere stunning-- for no pain slaughtering (;
  • Goats to graze the land and control weeds? 1 acre housing? profitability? CAS slaughtering?
  • Bamboo for lumber? 1 acre
  • Fruit trees (avocado, apples, oranges, figs, peaches, nectarines, blueberry, raspberry), melons, strawberries 
  • Compose and recycle and reuse
  • Flowers? profitability?
  • Employment? Individuals interested in grass root movement, environmental/ecological impact; 2 acres per employee--$40,000 to the company; >=$40,000 to the employee
  • Reduce fuel use, waste, or environmental impact
  • Produce fuel?
  • Straw and goats for weed suppression
  • Beneficial insects, row covers/ tunnels/ green houses, companion planting for pest control
  • Grow complete food groups (wheat/oats, leafy greens, carrots/yam, tomatoes, potatoes, chickpeas/soy beans/ eggs/ poultry/ goat meat, fruits)