Saturday, July 23, 2016

How to sell a farm fast

Resources to selling farm fast:
2. Google "how to sell your farm fast"
3. List for free at

Sunday, June 12, 2016

How to make a profit in small organic farm

Being a physician can be stressful. I find relief and respite in the farm, living with the nature, appreciating the rural unadulterated beauty.

Useful and motivational websites:

  • Homestead for-profit business vs. self-sufficiency non-profit
  • No-till cover crops
  • Making $40,000 profit per acre per planting vs. per year;

  • Be frugal and a minimalist in the beginning--don't go into debt as much as possible
  • $10,000 budget?
  • Start small
  • If every adult spends $15/day on healthy meals = $5,475/yr; To feed 10 ppl = $54,750/yr; 100 ppl = $547,500; 200ppl or 100 families = $1,095,000
  • Poultry in 1 acre land? for eggs and meat? organic feed? cost effective/ profitability? 6 months to lay eggs, 6 weeks to meat; CAS--Controlled atmosphere stunning-- for no pain slaughtering (;
  • Goats to graze the land and control weeds? 1 acre housing? profitability? CAS slaughtering?
  • Bamboo for lumber? 1 acre
  • Fruit trees (avocado, apples, oranges, figs, peaches, nectarines, blueberry, raspberry), melons, strawberries 
  • Compose and recycle and reuse
  • Flowers? profitability?
  • Employment? Individuals interested in grass root movement, environmental/ecological impact; 2 acres per employee--$40,000 to the company; >=$40,000 to the employee
  • Reduce fuel use, waste, or environmental impact
  • Produce fuel?
  • Straw and goats for weed suppression
  • Beneficial insects, row covers/ tunnels/ green houses, companion planting for pest control
  • Grow complete food groups (wheat/oats, leafy greens, carrots/yam, tomatoes, potatoes, chickpeas/soy beans/ eggs/ poultry/ goat meat, fruits)

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

My Life Goals

  1. Make $500K a year and have at least three investment properties, so that I am not working for money and can do other things that I like at my discretion-- Ideally, having an income of at least $10K/ month???
  2. Improving the lives of individuals with cerebral palsy and other disabilities--enabling them to be more functional, active and mobile, and not limited by the wheelchairs
  3. Farming, Ecological, environmental issues, food delivery and consumption, health????
    1. Medical waste???
    2. Cost of health care???
    3. Cost of durable goods???
    4. "Natural farming"
  4. Raising kids who will be good citizens
  5. Travel the world to learn from others including disability, farming, environmental and health issues---Not fond of resorts/ cruises where loafing on the beach and getting drunk are the norm
  6. Want my family and anyone around me to be happy, possible???
  7. Have pink, orange, yellow and other bright flowers blooming in the outdoors year round 
  8. Be happy, stress-free, healthy, and active
    1. Not waste time and have better time management
    2. Be organize and minimize my possessions
    3. Improve on my writing, English and speaking skills
    4. Talk with confidence and authority
    5. Be funny but not condescending
    6. Be helpful
    7. Say more positive things

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Way of Life

Problems of developed worlds
  1. Isolation
  2. Loneliness
  3. Competition
  4. Depression
  5. Stress
  6. Obesity
  7. Violence
  8. Overpopulation
  9. War
  10. Hatred
  11. Pollution
  12. Diseases
Resolutions to the modern world problems
  1. Miya Shoji: living with nature: boltless/ nail-free sliding doors
  2. What the ancients knew: Japan
  3. Solar decathlon
  4. Natural farming-- Full* Belly* Farm*; Occidental Art and Ecology Center;

Decks with wheelchair ramps
Bing search: "deck with wheelchair ramp"

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Neat Notetaking

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

cases to present after ITE

ASA conferences:
1/6/2015--mr 00525082 global cardiomyopathy newly reduced EF 60->40%; epidural without complication--hemodynamically stable

1/1/2015--mr  complete previa and DIC

2 cases

Sunday, November 23, 2014

What's for Dinner?

Cooking is a hassle. Eating home-made meal is healthier but being a physician working over 70 hours a week, I really don't have the time. It took me a whole day off (the only day I'm off in a week) to cook.
Here's the break down:

  1. Recipe lookup (2 hours minimum)
  2. Grocery shopping (2 hours minimum)--getting to the supermarket, finding veggies, meat, spices, seasoning, coming home with grocery
  3. Washing and chopping (2hours)
  4. Marinating (1/2 hour)
  5. Cooking (2 hours)
  6. Washing dishes (1 hour)
  7. Cooling food and placing in fridge (1/2 hour)
Total: 10 hours!!!

This NYT article summarizes my ordeal:

So here's some solution to my dilemma:

 1) Blue Apron--all the ingredients and recipes (reduce my cooking time by 4 hours)

2) Plated