Monday, February 21, 2011

A little encouragement for myself when I feel burned out

It's easy to get burned out when you see others are having fun, while you work till you turned into a walking zombie [over 60 hours a week (10 hours on the weekdays + 7 hours on the weekend + 4 hours being on-call) + 6 hours of studying daily]. Adding to the stress of consolidating the fund of knowledge needed to be an adequate physician, I need to:

  1. get recommendation letters
  2. fill in time sheet and patient logs
  3. personal statement
  4. research (data collection + paper writing)
  5. get daily exercise
  6. eating healthy
  7. preparing for the national conference at Hawaii in April 
  8. apply for away rotation
  9. CV
  10. Vice president responsibilities
  11. prepare for the boards
  12. talk to the person who will be writing my dean's letter

Stop being a crybaby!!!!... it's actually not too bad. Just plan and do.
My goals:
1. Monitor my family's health
2. Make sure mom gets her 30 mins of brisk walk everyday (may teach her how to ride a bike)
3. School for Jenny
4. Church with mom and Jenny--pay a kid to teach her kindergarten stuff
5. get Jenny communication device, orthotics-> more mobile
6. $300K a year to help support the family

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