Saturday, October 22, 2011

How to get into Stanford
High School criteria:

  • Special talent and national science awards will get you into both Stanford and Harvard
  • Taking summer classes there help too
  • Stanford legacy (aka family ties to the school)
  • Top 5% of class 
  • Sat Math 800 (work carefully, learn from your mistakes, practice doing the hard questions and save them for the last 10 mins--Barron is a good book)
  • Here are the SCEA from 2006
  • Decision: Accepted 

    • SAT: 2270
    • SAT IIs: 800Math2, 800bio, 740Lit
    • GPA:3.9
    • Rank:10%
    • Other stats:eh.
    • Essays: I thought they were nice... 
    • Teacher Recs: Great
    • Counselor Rec: Principal put me in top 5% of her career
    Research in california in forensic entomology
    Ran 2 marathons...
    Started FIRST robotics team
  • Stats:
    • SAT: 800m 780cr 740w 2320c
    • SAT IIs: 800 Bio/M 800Chem 790Math IIc
    • GPA: not really applicable, A levels, perfect score, 4As 2 special paper Distinctions 1/859, Bio, Chem, Math, Physics, Bio Special paper, Chem special paper
    • Other stats:
    • Essays: took an excruciating 3 weeks to write them! Should be good. They were quirky, extremely Bio centric
    • Teacher Recs: gushing, glowing, "top of my career"
    • Counselor Rec: excellent
    • Hook (if any): International Biology Olympiad Silver medal (31st place in the world), National Biology Olympiad Gold (2nd place in Singapore), Fine arts submission - I am a published photographer
  • Stats:
    • SAT: 2380
    • SAT IIs: 800 Math II, 800 Physics, 790 Lit
    • GPA: 89.9 (highest GPA in class was 93)
    • Rank: 17/1066
    • Other stats:
    • Essays: I think they were the best part of my application.
    • Teacher Recs: good
    • Counselor Rec: good
    • Hook (if any): I go to a pretty prestigious and very competitive high school in Taiwan (if that counts), I'm one of the probably very few Chinese who wants to major in Comparative Literature, I emphasized my passion for literature, and I write pretty well for someone who hasn't been in the states since four.
  • took classes there over the summer and got A+'s. Oh and I studied abroad in China while living with host families.
  • [ *] SAT: 2330 (750 Critical Reading, 800 Math, 780 Writing)
    [ *] SAT IIs: 800 Math II 730 Chemistry 690 Bio M (at time of application, now I also have 780 US History)
    [ *] GPA: 3.98 Unweighted GPA, 4.82 Weighted GPA
    [ *] Rank: School doesn’t rank, but I’m in the top 1-2%
    [ *] Other stats: APs: Bio-5, Calc BC-5, Calc AB Subscore-5, World History-4, Computer Science-4, English Language and Composition-5, Govt. and Politics-4, Statistics-4
    [ /list][ b]Subjective:[ /b][ list]
    [ *] Essays: Completely awesome! Very unique. Will tell about my topics later.
    [ *] Teacher Recs: Awesome. One was a pure glowing rec, and the other was more specific to my research (bio teacher)
    [ *] Counselor Rec: Excellent. Had an interview with her the day before she wrote it and told her to emphasize my personality, people skills, and extracurriculars.
    [ *] Hook (if any): Founded a Club that is currently building a BattleBot for the BattleBot Competition, 400+ hours of community service in retirement homes(used knowledge of 4 languages to break the language barrier), Alternative Energy Research
    • taht talent part is distracting me a bit. I hope the "talent factor" doesn't screw me...No USAMo, INtel STS Winner or anything

      Is Finalist in Science Essay(WorldCon) worth anything in terms of talent? I mite have smtg for intel (i wrote on my app that i was researching and submitted to Intel). I'm also participating in the BattleBots Competition(i hope they take this seriously). I've been playin piano for 9 years now, and I'd say I'm pretty good, but i didn't send in a fine arts submission...just wrote it on my ECs and said i play in many recitals and have been playin for 9 years...

      I have the typical awards, like NAtional Merit Commended, NHS inductee, Mu ALpha Theta, AP Scholar with Distinction, Maryland Distinguished Scholar...but these wont stand out since everybody mostly will have em...
    • 8. Tennis, and how it has made me a better person and debater (tied into debate team)

      9. virtual reality, and how i made a "virtual reality machine" in making a home theater integrating the sense of feel(cold, warm, humid) with the sight and sound(watchin ice age while feelin cold).

      10. Trip to Italy duirng world Cup. THe italians' casual yet pasioante attitude, and how i took up their lifestyle!

      Founding a club in my school, and how seeing my robot(part of the club) come to life gives me pleasure. Very uniquely writen(thats all ill say for now...the format was....interseitng).
    • 8. Swimming in high school, what it means to me and teaching free swim lessons to inner-city kids

      9. art from a neurological perspective, the parrallels between my interest in art and in science

      10. A box I kept my Halloween candy in when I was little. When someone started stealing the candy, I made a burglar alarm to see who it was. The alarm didn't work, but after that I was a lot more interested in electronics than candy.

      11a. My summer working on a trail crew in Oregon.
  • Stats:
    • SAT: 750R/730M/780W --> 2260
    • SAT IIs: Chemistry: 800 Math II: 800 Biology M: 780 (but didn't send the Bio)
    • GPA: 3.95
    • Rank:19/335
    • Other stats: A bunch of State/Regional Math and Science Competition and a Harvard Photo Competition
    • Essays: I liked them 
    • Teacher Recs: Never got to read
    • Counselor Rec: Never got to read
    • Hook (if any): I'm president of most of my schools organizations
  • Deferred with 2 years of research at Hopkins and Siemens Competition Semifinalist
  • Accepted international brain bee champion, siemens, 2 captains, 3 presidents
  • Accepted National Achievement Semifinalist
  • Drum Corps International participant for 2 years...pretty good Euphonium/Baritone player...Rensselaer Medalist
  • Stats:

    SAT: 800 CR, 800 M, 780 W

    SAT IIs: 800 Math2C 800 Chem 800 Physics 780 Literature
    GPA: 98
    Rank: 1/350
    Other stats:

    Essays: SPEND TIME ON THEM. I spent a lot of time getting mine to be just as I wanted them... lots of revisions, editing, etc. NO BORING STUFF. seriously. I think they really are the only way to show who you REALLY are. I guess this is a moot point since the deadline was today but anyhow..
    Teacher Recs: Did not read (one teacher I had for four years, the other for three)
    Counselor Rec: Did not read
    Hook (if any):
    -Hours and hours and hours of lab research (bio lab researching protein folding and prions)
    -4 yrs. cross country running; 4 yrs. tennis (wasn't recruited at Stanford though  ) Also play squash at a local club.
    -Published work in literary magazines throughout high school
    -Class president, all four years
    -Science Olympiad
    -Math Olympiad
    -Can speak Norwegian, am learning Ancient Norse with this crazy teacher at my school who knows everything (my grandparents in Norway are thrilled)


    State or Country: Oregon
    School Type: Public
    Ethnicity: Norwegian (mom) + Italian-American (dad)
    Gender: Female
    Other Factors: No legacy- mom went to college in Norway and Britain, Dad went to Oregon State
    General Comments: !!!! SO excited! I started out the college process not knowing exactly where I wanted to go and am SO HAPPY I chose Stanford. Congrats to all ! See you in September
  • Decision: Deferred 

    • SAT: 800v,800m,800w,2400c
    • SAT IIs: 800 math 2, 780 physics, 780 APUSH, 780 Literature
    • GPA: 3.8 uw, 4.0 w
    • Rank: N/A
    • Essays: All excellent
    • Teacher Recs: One probably great, one probably decent
    • Counselor Rec: No idea, new counselor
    • Hook (if any): Started a game development website that collects donations for charity.
    • State or Country: VA
    • School Type: Public Magnet
    • Ethnicity: Caucasian
    • Gender: Male
    Other Factors: Debate awards, community service club leadership, crew participant
    General Comments: Looking forward hopefully to RD!
  • Stats:
    • SAT: 2270 (800 M, 760 V, 710 W)
    • SAT IIs: 2400 (800 Math Level 2, 800 Physics, 800 World History)
    • GPA: 4.54 Weighted, 3.93/4.0 Unweighted
    • Rank: School doesn't rank, but supposedly I am top 2-3% according to my counselor(class size: 174)
    • Other stats: 5's on AP World, Spanish, US History, Comp Sci AB
    • [ *] Essays: I didn't think they were that great. On Stanford's admission website, it stresses the importance of making sure that your "voice" comes through. After reading all of my short answers and long essay once through, it sounded as if 4 different people wrote them for me.
      My extracurricular essay talked about piano, and I liked this one although it was very dry and serious.
      My intellectual experience essay was absolute garbage. I wrote it the day the application was due and it was awful. I almost withdrew my Stanford EA app with the hopes of submitting fresh essays, just because of this short answer. I'm glad I didn't!
      My roommate essay talked about how all my friends are nasty skiiers but I'm a completely terrible one. I liked this one a lot.
      Finally, for my long essay, I basically took my Common App essay and slapped on 3 sentences in the beginning about a picture...I wrote about how I've had the same barber for 13 years of my life, and how the barbershop is one place where I really find peace.
    • Teacher Recs: 11th grade AP US teacher: should have been glowing. This man loved me, and we were close.
      11th grade honors precalc teacher: his best student last year, although I wasn't very close to him.
    • Counselor Rec: Excellent, I think.
    • Hook (if any): East coast? Athletic Asian kid who also does well in music? Also sent in a piano tape, and last spring I won first prize at MMTA (state piano competiton).
    • State or Country: The great state of Massachusetts
    • School Type: Wealthy suburban public, about 650 students total.
    • Ethnicity: ASIAN (half korean, half chinese)
    • Gender: Male
    Other Factors: When the Stanford dude came to our school he stressed "love of learning" and taking advantage of academic opportunity, which is really more important than taking like 6 APs and having a 2400. I think that really helped me, b/c during my summers I took classes (Harvard SSP/Phillips Andover Writing workshop) and pursued my passion in politics. I interned for a state senator two summers in a row, and this summer worked on a governor's campaign. I think that taking advantage of every opportunity, and making those opportunities when none exist, is important for all the top schools 
    General Comments: Work hard, do what you love, try new things, get involved as deeply as possible in whatever you do, follow your interests but also try and be good at them, take advantage of every opportunity, and HAVE FUN. Good luck to everyone!!!!
  • Stats:
    • SAT: 2400
    • SAT IIs: None (Took December SATII, Results Pending)
    • GPA: N/A
    • Rank: N/A but counselor wrote top 10% (I score at the top of most of my A-Level classes)
    • Essays: I spent a lot of time on them, so I guess my effort paid off.
    • Teacher Recs: Never saw them.
    • Counselor Rec: Never saw it.
    • Hook (if any): Represented Country at Regional Math Olympiad and International Physics Olympiad. Won small awards.
  • Oh yea, stats:
  • SAT: 2270; Math: 700, Reading: 770, Writing: 800 SAT IIs: Math IIc: 740, Math Ic: 770, Literature: 650, World History: 650, Biology: 590 (freshman year, so I'm assuming they ignored it) GPA: 4.14
  • Other Factors:My main ECs were speech and debate, science research for the past 2 years at ASU, and tons of community service at hospitals, a doctor's office, and a hospice. This year I am planning a benefit concert for the American Cancer Society...basically I've taken the initiative to become a leader in what I do and my recs spoke of this. 
  • REJECTED: (2390 / 4.33)

    • SAT: 800 V, 800 M, 790 W: 2390
    • SAT IIs: 800 IIC, 800 Chem, 800 Phys, 780 Chinese
    • GPA: 4.0/4.0 UW, 4.33/4.0 W
    • Rank: 10% / 450
    • Other stats: 7 APs, all 5s
    • Essays: Very me, great long essay
    • Teacher Recs: Dunno
    • Counselor Rec: Dunno
    • Hook (if any): National business awards, debate
    • Other Factors: Single legacy.
  • numerous awards and passion for computing got me in.
  • Essays:
  • Dear XXX,

    On behalf of the Office of Undergraduate Admission, it gives me very special pleasure to offer you admission to Stanford's Class of 2011. A hearty congratulations to you!

    You have every reason to be proud of your accomplishments, and we are honored to invite you to join the Stanford community. Since our founding in 1885, Stanford has been defined by students and faculty who endeavor to push the limits of knowledge, and who share a commitment to extending that spirit of exploration and excellence beyond campus. This is a community of scholars dedicated to what Jane Stanford, co-founder of Stanford University, called "the cultivation and enlargement of the mind." Your application showed that you have the intellectual energy, imagination and talent to flourish in this environment.

    The enclosed materials are designed to assist you with the enrollment response process and to provide important information for you and your family as you consider your enrollment options. We, of course, hope you will decide to accept our offer of admission and enroll at Stanford, but please know that you have until May 1 to confirm your choice. Whatever decision you make, we ask that you return the enrollment response card in the envelope provided at anytime but no later than May 1, 2007.

    Over the next few months we will continue to send you additional information about Stanford and about Admit Weekend 2007, a three-day program scheduled for April 19-21. Should you want to contact us for any reason, please feel welcome to call us at (650) 723-2091 or email us at a special email address specifically for admitted students only: You also are invited to visit our admitted student website,, that was developed by current Stanford students just for you.

    Please note that while we have every reason to believe that you will complete this school year successfully, your admission is contingent upon your continued strong academic performance in the program of courses you presented to us in your application. If you consider altering the courses you will pursue for the rest of this year, please contact us before finalizing any changes.

    visceral_verve, we all look forward to the unique and extraordinary contributions that you will make to our campus life. We once again extend our congratulations on your admission to Stanford and look forward to welcoming you to the Stanford family!


    Richard H. Shaw
    Dean of Admission and Financial Aid

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