Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Competencies to Assess Anesthesiologist Clinical Performance in Simulator

Intrinsic Competencies
CommunicatorClear/concise, verbal and nonverbal, closed loop technique, share information -- "think aloud," orient new members, exchange information, listen to team input.
CollaboratorShould stay calm and in control during crisis, demonstrate authority and leadership or respond appropriately to leadership.
Clear understanding of his/her roles within the team. Support each other.
ManagerFormulate a plan in advance; establish priorities with appropriate use of key resources.
Ask for help appropriately.
ProfessionalMaintain standards of care, mutual respect, ethics and legal codes.
Team members refer to established protocols.
Disagreements or conflicts among team members are addressed.
Health advocateAttention to patient/team safety risks and needs.
ScholarTeaching and demonstrating reflective learning.
Application and translation of medical knowledge beyond algorithms (eg, critically evaluate information and its sources; apply this appropriately to practice decisions).
Medical Expert Competencies
Situation awarenessAttention/vigilance. Frequent scan of environment (monitors).
Anticipate likely events.
Medical historyGather information, medical history.
Examine patient/equipmentQuick problem-directed physical exam.
Quick check of equipment/monitors.
Diagnosis/differentialsRecognize the problem and communicate.
Consider differentials.
Confirmation/investigationsOrder and interpret appropriately pertinent labs/images/monitors.
Medical therapeuticCompensatory and specific agent or medication, time, dose, route, and response.
May use checklists and reminders.
Procedure therapeuticCompensatory and specific procedure/intervention, time, technique, and response.
Deal with changing situationsReassess/re-evaluate. Recognize changes.

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