Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Audrey Hepburn Way of Life by Melissa Hellstern

Happiness: How to find your bliss

  1. "Be on time. Remember to think of others first. Don't talk a lot about yourself. You are not interesting. It's the others that matter"
  2. Happiness is health and a short memory. 

Success: How to make your mark

  1. "opportunities don't often come along. So, when they do, you have to grab them."
  2. If you want to get psychological, you can say my definiteness stems from underlying feelings of insecurity and inferiority. I couldn't conquer these feelings by acting indecisive. I found the only way to get the better of them was by putting my foot down, by adopting a forceful and concentrated drive."
  3. "I was not an actress when I came to movies. I was a dancer. So, I had no experience. I had experience in working, working hard. Ballet is hard. Discipline. Those were the things I could contribute

Health: how to be beautiful

  1. "I love to walk, so I do get lots of air... lots and lots of oxygen. And I sleep marvelously well. I need eight or nine hours to make me completely happy; otherwise I long for a nap. But if I don't have one, it doesn't destroy me. I'm very relaxed and unmethodical about myself. I do what I have to do and let it go at that."
  2. Asked "can a woman age in a beautiful and interesting way?" "We've got to believe that! Otherwise, what would you do--shoot yourself?"

Love: How to get what you deserve

  1. It was the sweetest thing to see their little jokes--that playful, mischievous side of her. She was so smart, so well-read, spoke gazillions of languages. No wonder Robbie never got bored with her.

Family: how to nurture those you love
Friendship: How to build relationships for life
Fulfillment: How to make the most of it
Style: How to be an icon
Fame: How to handle celebrity
Humanity: How to change the world

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