Sunday, August 14, 2011

Anesthesia Secrets Fourth Edition Table of Content:

Anesthesia Secrets, 4th edition, 2011, by James Duke

I.             Basics of Patient Management (p9-74)
1.       Autonomic Nervous System-- see my document\I1-autonomic.doc
2.       Respiratory and Pulmonary Physiology
3.       Blood Gas and Acid-Base Analysis
4.       Fluids, Volume Regulation, and Volume Disturbances
5.       Electrolytes
6.       Transfusion Therapy
7.       Coagulation
8.       Airway Management
9.       Pulmonary function Testing
II.            Pharmacology (75-122)
1.       (10) Volatile Anesthetics
2.       Opioids
3.       Intravenous Anesthetics and Benzodiazepines
4.       Muscle Relaxants and Monitoring of Relaxant Activity
5.       Local Anesthetics
6.       Inotropes and Vasodilator Drugs
7.       Preoperative Medication
III.           Preparing For Anesthesia (123-156)
1.       (17) Preoperative Evaluation
2.       The Anesthesia Machine and Vaporizers
3.       Anesthesia Circuits and Ventilators
4.       Patient Positioning
5.       Mechanical Ventilation in Critical Illness
IV.           Patient Monitoring and Procedures (157-200)
1.       (22) Electrocardiography
2.       Pulse Oximetry
3.       Capnography
4.       Central Venous Catheterization and Pressure Monitoring
5.       Pulmonary Artery Catheterization
6.       Arterial Catheterization and Pressure Monitoring
V.            Perioperative Problems (201-228)
1.       (28) Blood Pressure Disturbances
2.       Awareness During Anesthesia
3.       Cardiac Dysrhythmias
4.       Temperature Disturbances
5.       Postanesthetic Care
VI.           Anesthesia and Systemic Disease (229-372)
1.       (33) Ischemic Heart Disease
2.       Heart Failure
3.       Valvular Heart Disease
4.       Aorto-Occlusive Disease
5.       Intracranial and Cerebrovascular Disease
6.       Reactive Airway Disease
7.       Aspiration
8.       Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
9.       Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
10.   Pulmonary Hypertension
11.   Perioperative Hepatic Dysfunction
12.   Renal Function and Anesthesia
13.   Increased Intracranial Pressure and Traumatic Brain Injury
14.   Malignant Hyperthermia and Other Motor Diseases
15.   Degenerative Neurologic Diseases and Neuropathies
16.   Alcohol and Substance Abuse
17.   Diabetes Mellitus
18.   Nondiabetic Endocrine Disease
19.   Obesity and Sleep Apnea
20.   Allergic Reactions
21.   Herbal Supplements
VII.         Special Anesthetic Considerations (373-450)
1.       (54) Trauma
2.       The Burned Patient
3.       Neonatal Anesthesia
4.       Pediatric Anesthesia
5.       Congenital Heart Disease
6.       Fundamentals of Obstetric Anesthesia
7.       Obstetric Analgesia and Anesthesia
8.       High-Risk Obstetrics
9.       Geriatric Anesthesia
10.   Sedation and Anesthesia Outside the Operating Room
11.   Pacemakers and Internal Cardioverter Defibrillators
VIII.        Regional Anesthesia (451-472)
1.       (65) Spinal Anesthesia
2.       Epidural Analgesia and Anesthesia
3.       Peripheral Nerve Blocks
IX.           Anesthetic Considerations In Selected Surgical Procedures (473-526)
1.       (68) Heart Transplantation
2.       Liver Transplantation
3.       Cardiopulmonary Bypass
4.       Lung Isolation Techniques
5.       Somatosensory-Evoked Potentials and Spinal Surgery
6.       Anesthesia for Craniotomy
7.       Minimally Invasive Surgery
8.       Laser Surgery and Operating Room Fires
9.       Electroconvulsive Therapy
X.            Pain Management (527-540)
1.       (77) Acute Pain Management
2.       Chronic Pain Management
XI.           Top 100 Secrets (1-8)

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