Monday, August 15, 2011

Medical Specialty Preference Inventory, Revised Edition

A s s e s s m e n t   D a t e :   8 / 1 5 / 1 1
Specialty Choice Probabilities

T h e   f o l l owi n g   s c o r e s   r e p r e s e n t   t h e   p r o b a b i l i t y   t h a t   y o u  wi l l   e n t e r   i n t o   o n e   o f   t h e 16 special t ies based on your   interest   in per forming speci f ic act ivi t ies  in
medicine.  A higher  probabi l i ty  indicates a st ronger  preference  for   that  special ty.
Specialty Probabi l i ty
S u r g e r y -Ge n e r a l    60  %
Anesthesiology    23  %
Internal  Medicine    8  %
Emergency Medicine    3  %
Ra d i o l o g y -Di a g n o s t i c    2  %
Pathology-Anatomic and Cl inical    2  %

Medical Interest Scales
The Medical Interest Scales measure your interest in specific areas of medical
pract ice.  High scores  indicate more  interest .  As you  review your   resul ts,  pay
par t icular  at tent ion  to scales on which you scored ei ther  very high or  very  low.
These general ly  indicate  impor tant  areas  to  focus on as you explore special t ies.

Highest  Scor ing  Interests:  
Immediate Resul ts
Procedural Care
Technology  in Medicine
Knowledge of Organ Systems
Diagnostic Precision

Lowest Scoring Interests:
Social Context
Patient Counseling
Psychological Care

Complex Problems    3 . 0  
Comprehensive Care    2 . 8  
Diagnostic Precision    6 . 2  
Emergency-Cr i t ical  Care    6 . 0  
Hi s t o r y   T a k i n g    2 . 8  
Home Heal th Care    3 . 0  
Immediate Resul ts    7 . 0  
Knowledge of Anatomical Structures    5 . 0  
Knowledge of Organ Systems    6 . 5  
Laboratory Results    6 . 0  
Palliative Care    2 . 4  
Patient Counseling    1 . 7  
Prevention and Education    2 . 9  
Procedural Care    7 . 0  
Psychological Care    1 . 7  
Reproductive Care    2 . 2  
Social Context    1 . 3  
Technology  in Medicine    7 . 0  
I n t e r e s t Your Score

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