Thursday, January 20, 2011

Before-year-end resolution/ My Life Plan

For the next five years (2011-2015), my goals are to:
1) make money
a) buy the 2012 Toyota Prius Plug-in Hybrid for my dad, $20K
i) so he has no excuse for not taking time to travel more with mom
b) buy commercial-size (approx. 35' x 96') Gothic Polycarbonate Pro-Gro greenhouses for my dad
i) that's 3360 sq ft. 
ii) if 1 acre = 43560 sq ft., then I would need approx. 12 of these greenhouses
iii) at going rate of $10K/tunnel, that would be $120K/acre X 100 = $12 million USD/100 acre
 iv) that way, Mom has less weeding to do; the growing season becomes year-round= more profit; more controlled environment=less insects and less air-blown pesticides from neighboring farms
 d) solar panels to reduce electricity cost
2) spend time taking Mom and Jenny on vacations
3) take care of their health
4) find a husband with a normal mom
For the years after residency, making approx. $1K a day, my goals then would be:
1) hire maids to help Mom out with Jenny (approx. $100 a day)
2) have 1 to 2 kids
a) educate them to be well-read, well-knowledgeable, unspoiled, and responsible adults
3) visit my parents at least once a month
4) continue making money
a) via creating software
b) via building apartment complexes
c) via organic farming
d) via medical products
For later years,
1) build a nursing home
2) retired to being a part-time in-house nursing home physician
3) work in the farm and grow organic flowers
4) raise grandkids
The idea is to continue to work hard--not be selfish, feeling depressed, dwelling on having the inferiority complex, and loathing self for not having a more gaudy and adventurous life--make my family not worry about financial issues, have all of my loved ones stressed-free and being happy. Enjoying life, while helping the genuinely needy individuals.  

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