Thursday, January 20, 2011

More electronic assistants for physicians

 Visit Types
The Visit Types in MedicsDocAssistant - General Medicine are broadly divided into Pediatrics and Family Practice. Pediatrics in turn consists of Initial Visit, Well Baby Visit & Sick Baby Visit encounter templates and Family Practice holds the General Medicine template. Each template consists of the fields which captures information with regard to that particular Visit.

 My Encounters
All the saved encounters for a particular doctor can be viewed in a single screen. Information pertaining to the Patient Name, Appointment Date, Chief Complaint and Assessment can be seen in this. All the existing encounters are again demarcated into Unsigned and Signed Encounters.

 Growth Chart Images
MedicsDocAssistant - General Medicine holds the collection of various Growth Chart Images developed by the National Center for Health Statistics. Provider can mark on the relevant Chart about the existing condition of the patient and attach the chart to the encounter for future references.

 Denver Chart
A Denver Chart is a chart which examines the child from birth to 6 years of age in four different parameters which are named as Gross Motor, Language, Fine Motor-Adaptive and Personal-Social. Each parameter in turn holds a number of fields for various activities. A Denver chart can be created and attached to each encounter with markings on various fields of different parameters as normal or not normal according to the examination result.

 Lab Reports
Lab reports play an important role in reaching the correct diagnosis. MedicsDocAssistant has a comprehensive list of reports available in this section which help the provider in making the right decisions.

The Messaging system in MedicsDocAssistant- General Medicine is very convenient and user friendly. Apart from providing the complete features of a conventional e-mail service, it also provides many other value added services.

 Encounter Form
All the three encounter forms for Pediatrics and the encounter form for the Family Practice are very comprehensive and takes into account all the possible fields required for those specific specialties to make the examination complete.

MedicsDocAssistant comes with a very convenient way for giving Referral Letters. All the provider needs to do is to select the specific sections of the encounter or the whole encounter which needs to be attached to the referral letter, drag and drop the providers names to whom the letter needs to be sent and click the 'Send Mail' button. The letter can be e-mailed, e-faxed or faxed as per the requirement.

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